Date: May – June 2026 (14 days/13 nights)                         Optional extension June 2026 (9 days/8 nights)

Group Size: Maximum of 5 people per vehicle, with the possibility of two vehicles with two leaders.

Please Note: the online booking system is not yet functional, please contact us directly for further details.

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Namibia is a visual feast for photographers with endless desert landscapes, wild seascapes, amazing wildlife, colonial cities and remote nomadic people. For photographers, it is unlike anywhere else in Africa, and this photographic tour has been put together to make the very most of many of the great photographic opportunities on offer.

NOTE: Erindi Private Game Reserve in Namibia will be closed from March 2024 to November 2025 for renovations. We are now visiting Madikwe Game Reserve in South Africa immediately before continuing to Namibia.


After clearing Customs & Immigration in Johannesburg we head straight to Tau Game Lodge in Madikwe Game Reserve.

After lunch we head out for our first private game drive in the afternoon.


This morning and this afternoon we will be undertaking game-viewing excursions in the Madikwe Game Reserve.

During the middle of the day, you’re free to either relax in your room, or seek out a shaded place to watch and photograph the resident wildlife around the waterway immediately beside the lodge.


This morning and this afternoon we will be undertaking game-viewing excursions in the Madikwe Game Reserve.

During the middle of the day, you’re free to either relax in your room, or seek out a shaded place to watch and photograph the resident wildlife around the waterway immediately beside the lodge.


This morning we depart early and back to Johannesburg for our flight to Windhoek.

After clearing Customs & Immigration in Windhoek, we head straight to our hotel for the night.

Overnight at Windhoek Luxury Suites (this night of accommodation is not included in the tour price).


This morning we depart early and head south-west to Spitzkoppe, a group of bald granite peaks or bornhardts majestically rising out of the Namib Desert.

After lunch at our lodge, we explore the magnificent rock formations concluding at a suitable location to watch and photograph the sunset.


This morning we rise early for a sunrise shoot at Spitzkoppe as the first rays of sunlight hit the granite peaks.  After breakfast we travel south-west to Swakopmund, arriving in time for lunch.

Swakopmund was of major importance as a harbour during the German colonial era, even though the water at the coast is actually too shallow and the bay is unprotected. Luderitz was too far away and the seaport of Walvis Bay was in British possession in those days. In August 1892, the gunship “Hyäne” under the command of Captain Curt von François, staked out a wharf north of the Swakop River mouth. A year later, 40 settlers from Germany and 120 members of the Schutztruppe were taken ashore on landing boats to embark upon an adventurous undertaking.

The 325-metre-long wooden jetty was only completed in 1905 and it was later replaced by a more solid iron construction. Swakopmund became the gate to South-West Africa and the entire supply for the colony went through this little town. The appearance of the town, with its 30,000 inhabitants, is characterised by numerous colonial buildings with the Woermann House from 1905 as its landmark. Late afternoon light will provide a great backdrop for some shooting around the jetty area.

In the afternoon we will go on a living desert tour, exploring the unique wildlife adapted to the harsh desert conditions.


This morning we temporarily part with our drivers and luggage as they travel to Sossus Vlei by road. We instead head south to Walvis Bay where we photograph the beautiful Flamingos in the early morning light before the wind picks up, seeking those spectacular reflection images. After a simply packed breakfast we enjoy a relaxing boat cruise, providing an opportunity to see and photograph some of the local wildlife, such as pelicans, Cape Fur Seals, Dolphins and the local water birds including Flamingos.

After lunch we head to the airport for our scenic flight to Sesriem, in aircraft suitable for aerial photography.  Initially heading down the coastline where we will see and photograph the sand dunes meeting the Atlantic Ocean, we then make our way inland over the endless dunes of the Namib desert.  Upon arrival in Sesriem, we will be transferred to our lodge. For the next three nights we will be staying at a lodge situated within the park, providing guests the benefit of being able to reach Sossusvlei and Dead Vlei before sunrise, and stay out until after sunset.

The Sossusvlei, Namibia’s famous highlight in the heart of the Namib Desert, is a huge clay pan, enclosed by giant sand dunes. Some of the spectacular hills of sand are at a height of 300 metres, the highest in the world. Only after a heavy rainfall, which is a rare event in this area, does the vlei fill with water. As the clay layers hardly allow any water infiltration, a turquoise lake will remain for quite some time. The dunes of the Namib desert have developed over a period of many millions of years. It is thought that the vast quantities of sand were deposited into the Atlantic Ocean by the Orange River. This material was subsequently moved northwards by the Benguela current to be dumped back onto the land by the surf. The coastal dunes developed as a result of this and were shifted further and further inland by the wind. Wind continuously reshapes the patterns of the huge dunes of the Namib desert. It timelessly forces the grains of sand on the flat windward slope upwards to the crest of the dune. Here they fall down in the wind shade. The leeward slope is therefore always considerably steeper than the windward side.


This morning some of our photographers will be scheduled for an optional helicopter flight over the dunes of the Sussusvlei and the Dead Vlei. The remaining photographers will travel by car back through the park, photographing the sand dunes from the side of the road as shadows form in the early morning light.

This afternoon we enjoy a one-hour drive into the Sossusvlei, stopping at the end of the road where we continue by foot into the Dead Vlei, one of the most famous locations for photography in Namibia.  This clay pan was formed after rainfall, when the Tsauchab river flooded, creating temporary shallow pools where the abundance of water allowed camel thorn trees to grow. When the climate changed, drought hit the area and sand dunes encroached on the pan, which blocked the river and subsequently killed the trees. The remaining skeletons of the trees, which are believed to be about 900 years old, are now black because the intense sun has scorched them. The wood does not decompose because it is so dry.

Our walk is around 1.5kms (each way) through pebbly and sandy dunes, and we will arrive just as the majority if not all of the tourists have departed for their hour drive back to the gate before it closes at sunset.  We have sufficient time to explore and photograph the area, commencing our walk back to the vehicle after sunset and then returning to the lodge.


This morning some of our photographers will be scheduled for an optional helicopter flight over the dunes of the Sussusvlei and the Dead Vlei. The remaining photographers will travel by car back through the park, photographing the sand dunes from the side of the road as shadows form in the early morning light.

Late morning, we have the option to visit Sesriem Canyon, located not too far from the Lodge. Sesriem Canyon is one kilometre long and up to 30 meters deep and was formed by the rare flow of water down the Tsauchab River over the past two million years. The name Sesriem is Afrikaans and means “six belts”, since the early settlers had to attach together six belts (made of oryx hides), in order to reach buckets down into the canyon to scoop up water. The Sesriem Canyon is only two meters wide in some places, and has a portion that permanently contains water, which many animals use. Past the canyon, the Tsauchab flattens and grows broader, and is surrounded by a riparian forest as it slopes towards the Sossusvlei salt pan.

In the afternoon we have one final trip back down the valley. With the light coming from the opposite direction now, we will also have more stops along the road to photograph the constantly changing shadows on the dunes.  We always need to keep our eyes open for wildlife, as Gemsbok, Ostriches and Bat-eared foxes can be seen. After dinner we will head outside with our cameras to learn about astrophotography, in preparation for our upcoming stay at Keetmanshoop.


If required, a final group of photographers may be scheduled for the optional helicopter flight.  After breakfast we depart the Sossusvlei and travel through amazing landscape on our way south-west to Luderitz. The distance is approximate 470km’s, but the majority of it is on gravel roads so it will take over 6 hours. Numerous stops will be made on the way for photos and rest breaks, and we will take a picnic lunch.

Luderitz was established in 1883 as a remote German outpost and the area is surrounded by diamond mine areas (restricted zones). The town has numerous historic buildings and a unique character, so lots of photo opportunities.  We will arrive late afternoon in time for photographing the sunset over the Atlantic Ocean.


Today is a special day as we have permits for the whole day for the abandoned mining town of Kolmanskop. Once having been home to 700 families, the buildings have stood the test of time (in an area where rain hardly falls), but the winds and sands of the Namib Desert have slowly encroached upon each dwelling and have created amazing results.

We can enter the area at sunrise and leave at sunset. You also have the opportunity to undertake the 9.30am guided tour which will help with familiarisation.  After lunch at the café within the abandoned town, we continue exploring and photographing the buildings. The public is only permitted into the area during the morning, so our special all-day permits will ensure us better photographic opportunities. If you want to practice natural-looking HDR, this is the place to give it a go.


This morning we will explore and photograph the town of Luderitz before commencing our four-hour drive east to Keetmanshoop where will stay for one night.

Late afternoon we travel a short distance to Garas Park Rest Camp to photograph sunset amongst the Quiver trees.  Our entire tour has been planned around being at Keetmanshoop on a dark night, so after dinner we again return to the rest camp to enjoy night to do astrophotography.


On our final morning we enjoy a sunrise shoot whilst exploring different compositions with the Quivertrees.

After breakfast we commence our long drive to Windhoek where the main tour concludes.

Day 10: WINDHOEK (B)

For those choosing to only do the main trip, your tour concludes today.



This morning we depart early and head north to Okonjima Nature Reserve, famed for frequent leopard, brown hyaena and pangolin sightings.  Whilst seeing a photographing a pangolin would be great, they are very shy animals.  Our main goal however will be to seek out cheetah and leopard.

Mid-afternoon we head out on a game drive to seek out cheetah and any other wildlife we come across.  In the evening we visit the camp’s nocturnal hide, where we may see some after-dinner activity from porcupines, honey badgers and caracals, among other night-time animal species.


We rise early this morning to go for a game drive, seeking out the elusive leopard and other incredible wildlife.

Mid-morning, we continue our long journey north on good bitumen roads to Opuwo.  Upon arrival we check into our lodge and you will have some free time to explore and photograph the lodge surroundings.  If time allows, we will return to the centre of town to photograph the activities of the local Himba, Dhimba and Herero people.

We will also take the opportunity to sit down and discuss the program for the following two days, and go over how the photography will be managed.

Day 12-13: OPUWO (B/L/D)

With the assistance of a local guide, we will be visiting Himba, Zemba and Herero villages over the course of two days. The Himba are semi-nomadic and unlike many indigenous groups in Africa, have managed to maintain much of their traditional lifestyle. Himba women have a particularly distinctive appearance. Each morning, they cover themselves with a mixture of butter fat, red ochre and local herbs that gives their body the smooth, reddish appearance as well as offering some sun protection. Married women wear a small headpiece made of soft skin on top of their braided and ochred hair. In addition, they often wear a heavy ornament around their necks that includes a conch shell that hangs between their breasts in the front and a metal-studded leather plate that hangs down the centre of their back. They also wear heavy metal rings around their ankles as well as other jewellery made of copper, ostrich shells or woven reeds.

Zemba, also known as Dhimba are found in Namibia and Angola. Their global population is approximately 14,000, with 5,700 living in Namibia. Like the Himba, they are also semi-nomadic. The Herero are proud cattle farmers who measure their wealth in cattle, the importance of cattle to these people is even evident in the dresses the women wear. The traditional dress is derived from a Victorian woman’s dress and consists of an enormous crinoline worn over a several petticoats, and a horn shaped hat (said to represent cow horns). Like the Himba they also have a holy, ritual fire which symbolises life, fertility and prosperity. When visiting a village or a compound, it’s important to walk around the holy fire, even if it’s not burning.

Day 14: OPUWO – ETOSHA (B/L/D)

This morning we will depart fairly early for Etosha King Nehale Lodge located in the north-eastern region of Etosha National Park.

Etosha National Park is one of Southern Africa’s finest and most important Game Reserves. Etosha was declared a National Park in 1907 and covering an area of 22 270 square km, it is home to 114 mammal species, 340 bird species, 110 reptile species and 16 amphibian species.  Etosha, meaning “Great White Place”, is dominated by a massive mineral pan. The pan is part of the Kalahari Basin, the floor of which was formed around 1000-million-years-ago. The Etosha Pan covers around 25% of the National Park. The Pan only contains water after good rains and is normally a dry, white expanse.  With a greater number of waterholes being located at the eastern end of Etosha, we will be devoting majority of our time to that area.

After lunch at the lodge, we have the opportunity to go on a game drive, seeking out and photographing the wildlife.  We will also have the opportunity to visit a private waterhole and hide within the park.

Day 15: ETOSHA (B/L/D)

This morning we enter King nehale lya mpingana gate and continue to explore the local waterholes.  We continue our way south-east to the Namutoni area where there are many incredible waterholes that rightly justify multiple visits.

Today will be a great opportunity to see cheetah, herds of elephants, herds of zebra drinking, and hopefully giraffe with reflections.  One thing is for certain, this will be a big day of wildlife photography.  Our accommodation for the night is at beautiful Onguma Bush Camp located a short distance outside Von Lindequist gate.

Day 16: ETOSHA (B/L/D)

Today we slowly head south-west through the park towards Okaukuejo, continuing to explore many of the very best waterholes that Etosha has on offer. With each waterhole being a magnet for the local wildlife and different species that favour different locations, there will be numerous opportunities for photography. Our day will commence with revisiting some of the waterholes from the previous day, before exploring new waterholes as we make our way to Halali.

After lunch we continue navigating our way from one waterhole to the next as we slowly make our way to Okaukuejo. As we travel, the environment will change, and with that, so will the wildlife.

Late afternoon we arrive at Okaukuejo Restcamp in the central part of the park. Okaukuejo, located 17km’s from the southern entrance of the park is famous for its flood-lit waterhole, where visitors can observe at close quarters a spectacle of wildlife congregating and interacting.

We will be accommodating in the waterhole chalets, meaning the iconic Okaukeujo waterhole is only a few steps from your room.  You will now enjoy some down time, however do not miss taking your camera to the waterhole for the late light and sunset.


This morning we rise early to depart at sunrise on what will be our final game drive, heading north-west to visit some great waterholes, such as Ozonjuitji m’Bari.

It’s now time for us to farewell Etosha and commence our return drive to Windhoek where our extension tour will conclude with a final dinner and night of accommodation.


Today it’s time to say farewell to Namibia and our fellow travellers.

Transfers will be arranged as per flight schedules.

Download itinerary in PDF format here.

Download e-brochure in PDF format here.




Additional information



The complete tour as per the itinerary, Ground private transport with driver/guide, Aerial flight from Walvis Bay to Sesriem, Accommodation, Meals as specified (B/L/D), Arrival and Departure transfers, Experienced photographic leader/s and local guides where required, Entry fees and permits.

Not included

International Economy Airfares, Airport and Airline taxes & charges, Travel Insurance , Any expenses of a personal nature (such as laundry, phone calls, personal tipping etc.), Any meals other than those specified, Any drinks (alcoholic or non-alcoholic), Optional tours and activities, Excess baggage fee, Visa fees if required (Australian Passport holders do not require visas).
